In Memoriam Paul Marshall

Paul Marshall, originally from Vancouver, Canada, left an indelible mark at Dwight School Seoul.  During his seven-year tenure at DSS, Paul epitomized what it meant to be a math teacher in his remarkable way of engaging with his students and the community.

Jason Hayter, Head of School, acknowledged “Paul’s dedication and commitment to his students, colleagues and our community was clear each and every day.  He set the standard in the mathematics department and mediocrity was never an option.  Many in the Dwight community were fortunate to have had our own connection with Paul, be it through math, books, music, current events, the Blue Jays or ice hockey.  Paul was always willing to engage in a jovial conversation, provide advice or lend an ear.  He will be truly missed.”

Paul was a master storyteller, according to the former Head of School Kevin Skeoch. “He could weave the love of math into any and all things relating to his travels as a young man to today’s pop culture.”

Dwight students who were fortunate to learn under Paul’s tutelage will certainly remember his lessons. A few of Paul Marshall’s former students had the following to say about him in his honor.

“Mr. Marshall was a magnetic and brilliant teacher. I had the pleasure of being in his mathematics extended class during Grade 10. As a student, I could feel his passion and love for the subject of mathematics. He had the extraordinary ability to make every class fun and captivating, where he shared not only the technical aspects of math but also tidbits and stories from his life. He made every lesson unique and compelling to learn from. Mr. Marshall was a charismatic and enthusiastic teacher that inspired all of his students to be curious and driven, and I am honored to be one of them.”
-Cynthia Chen

“Words are not enough to capture the impact Mr. Marshall had on us all. I fondly recall looking forward to math classes, just so I could laugh at his jokes and learn something new outside of the syllabus, like palindromes and paradoxes. He knew how to connect with his students, and everyone one of us adored him. Mr. Marshall was always more than willing to support his students, whether it be through intellectually stimulating us with challenging questions, or simply offering us comfort on the hard days. Nothing will ever feel the same without Mr. Marshall – his memory and person will never be forgotten.”
-Sooyun Christina Kim

“Mr. Marshall was definitely one of the best math teachers for me because he shared the same interest as mine, music. One day, he came up to me and talked about jazz, a music genre I love. He told me that when I graduate, he would compile a CD of his favorite jazz pieces and give it to me. Once in a while, he would bring up some of his favorite artists, Bill Evans and Keith Jarrett (actually I don’t know if this is his favorite) and talk about their performances. I was surprised because I’ve never seen anyone other than my music teacher talk about jazz to me. He would also peak into the music room sometimes and comment ‘Sounds good’
He was definitely more than just a normal math teacher, he enjoyed different things in various categories. I will never be able to get that CD he mentioned, but as I listen to Bill Evans, I will forever remember him. Mr. Marshall will be forever remembered.
Thank you so much, Mr. Marshall!”
-Jennifer Choi

“Mr. Marshall truly cared for each and every one of his student’s successes. His teaching style made sure no one was left behind, and his hilarious anecdotes rich with personal experiences and wisdom enthralled every student, even those that didn’t enjoy learning math. I remember Mr. Marshall always encouraging me to “challenge myself further” and solve more difficult questions whenever I felt complacent. His constant reminder has transformed me into someone who isn’t content with just “meeting expectations”, changing my attitude in life. Instilling high expectations in his students, Mr. Marshall bestowed his students with confidence and taught them the invaluable skill of ‘going the extra mile’.”

“Mr. Marshall will stay in our hearts as a caring husband, a passionate teacher, and an inspiring guru.”
-YoungJu Choi

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