Faculty Friday: Allan Ward

Allan originally comes from the Garden Route in South Africa and has been in Korea for almost 13 years now. This is his fourth year at Dwight School Seoul and he is a passionate Early Years educator.

1. What is your role at Dwight School Seoul?

I am a Kindergarten teacher and the manager of the Early Childhood Division (ECD).

2. What made you decide to work in an education setting? And what is your philosophy?

I never planned on being a teacher but I consider myself lucky to have fallen into it by accident. After discovering how magical teaching is, especially in the Early Years, there is nothing else I would like to do more than teach.  My educational philosophy from an Early Years perspective, is pretty simple. I believe that we as educators should create a safe and nurturing environment that encourages young learners to explore, play, and inquire into the world around them. Purposeful play is incredibly powerful and allows our learning community to grow and develop in a myriad of ways; not only socially, and emotionally but also in the way we use language, math, problem-solving, and thinking skills. So play, play play!

3. What do you like most about working at DSS? 

The community. The students, parents, teachers, and other Dwight community members have managed to foster a culture of kindness that is unmatched in other schools. Whoever you are, reading this, thank you for your contribution to the amazing Dwight community we have.

4. What are your interests and hobbies?

In my free time, I enjoy meeting my friends, reading, and exploring Seoul and other parts of Korea.

5. Who inspires you and how?

Honestly, the children that I get to work with, in the ECD. Their acceptance of each other, collaboration, honesty, creativity, and the freedom with which they imagine is very inspirational. If more adults embraced these qualities the world would be a much better place!

6. What is the best book that you have read lately?

I am currently reading a book titled, “The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye”, written by David Largercrantz as an addition to the Stieg Larsson Millennium series.

7. What global challenge would you like to see tackled and how do you see yourself contributing to the positive change you desire? 

I would like to see the environment being taken better care of. We only have one Earth and we should take responsibility for living in such a way that embraces that, if not for our own sake then for the sake of future generations. I recycle, do not waste food, and I spend time on weekends with my friends picking up trash along the stream in our neighbourhood.

8. If you had one wish, what would you wish for?

I come from a country with 11 official languages and I am always envious of people who speak different languages, so I would wish to be fluent in all the languages of the world.

9. Why would you tell a prospective family to choose DSS?

When you join Dwight you do not just buy into phenomenal education, you buy into a family and a community that will embrace you and allow you to blossom.

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